Risks and Opportunities in Technology Projects

Power Skills

This webinar will teach you how to identify and manage risks in the context of technology projects. I will review risk terminology, risk classification and risk responses. I will introduce a method that is called “pre-mortem” (as opposed to post-mortem), an innovative way to identify risks at the start of the project. We will also cover risks that are typical for technology projects. Finally, we will learn the flipside of risks which are opportunities, and how project managers can leverage them.

Here are the main learning outcomes:

  • Learn how to identify and respond to risk situation
  • Learn how to conduct a “Pre-mortem” session
  • Learn how to identify and leverage opportunities
  • Managing risks is essential for project-managers, especially in technology projects. I hope that this webinar can help project managers to master this skill.

Presenter: Ori Dvir
PDUs: 1 Power Skills


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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: PMI Webinar

Type of activity: Power Skills

Date: December 11th, 2024

Hour: 11:00AM to 12:00PM

# of PDUs: 1


PMISWO ChapterMembers: Free

Non members and Guests: Free
